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A two panel illustration of my characters Dahlia (top panel), Ven, and Mei (bottom panel). Takes place somewhere ambigous at the time of a sunset.
Redraw of something from October of 2022
My character Sua screaming with a chibi of herself in the corner.
My character Sua centered inside a red circle that's tagged 'evil because it exists'.


My characters Meiko and Venturi smoking and drinking and having fun.
Redraw of something from July(?) of 2021
My character Damien sitting down with a knife.
Redraw of something from December of 2022
My character Kang-dae posing as if he's a pinup model (he is not).
Redraw of... something


A line up of my characters.
Line up
A pagedoll of Vanitas, the site mascot.
The first pagedoll of Vanitas
My characters Lorraine and Yeom.
The Greek is from the Hippocratic Oath
My character Dahlia and her younger self.


My character Mei in a collage of other Meis.
"Meiko my dearest"
My characters Dahlia, Mei, Lorraine and Ven in suits.
A sanitized off-color joke


An homage to the art and story I made in 2021.
An homage to the art and story I made in 2021


Chibi pagedoll of my characters Dahlia and Mei, where Mei is holding Dahlia princess style.
"Thanks to butch lesbian yuri, I have beaten artblock"
My characters Dahlia and Mei in contrasting art styles.
"Fumbled the bag"
My characters Mei and Ven as 32ki and channelstation's Mesmerizer.
Derivative of 32ki and channelstation's Mesmerizer
Reference sheet of my character Sylvia.
Artfight ref #6
Reference sheet of my character Meiko.
Artfight ref #4
Reference sheet of my character Dahlia.
Artfight ref #2
My characters Ven, Mei, and Dahlia handcuffed together.
My character Dahlia in Tatsuya Kitani's Zutto Issho'
Derivative of "ずっといっしょ!" by Tatsuya Kitani
An uncharacteristically soft piece of my character Dahlia.
"Pretending she's in a shoegaze album". There is an alternate version of this image
Reference sheet of some monsters for my story Perpetual Effigy.
Artfight ref #7
Artfight ref #5. There is an alternate version of this image
Reference sheet of my character Ven.
Artfight ref #3
Reference sheet of my character Vanitas.
Artfight ref #1


A redraw of some official Evangelion art with my characters Mei and Dahlia.
"Get a grip"
My character Mei in two drastically different art styles.
"The Intense Range of Meiko Hanasaki"
A doodle of my character Meiko blushing.
Annual moe


2024's redraw of my characters Dahlia and Mei holding each other.
This is a redraw of an older drawing made in 2023.
A set of outfits for my character Dahlia.
Testing out lineless and outfits #1
A set of outfits for my character Mei.
Testing out lineless and outfits #2
A set of outfits for my character Ven.
Testing out lineless and outfits #3


My characters Antiquity and Vanitas in an abstract void with perspective doodles. Below is a quote from Osamu Dazai's 'No Longer Human' which reads: 'Now I have neither happiness nor unhappiness.'
Self-referential drawing with a "No Longer Human" quote, heavily based off of something I drew last year
A gif slideshow of my characters Dahlia, Yeom, Ven, and Mei.
Some frames from a scrapped animation