This site's purpose is to informally archive my work and thoughts, and not much more. Ideologically, this site is about becoming independent from social media and the concept of an internet persona. If there's anything I want you to get after visiting, it's the simple thought that "someone was here."

I created rareoarfishsightings on 12/23/23 and launched it five days after. There is no Javascript currently used on this site and I do not collect your data. I don't even know how to.


My online alias is A.A. Fish, or just Fish for short. I don't like talking about myself so please make or break your own impression of me.

At the moment, my biggest inspirations creatively are Bob Peak, Jamie Stewart, and VOCALOID music.

I'm also on the following platforms;

Instagram: a_a_fish

Youtube: A.A. Fish


A standalone fullbody of my mascot character Fish.

Fish is a oarfish psychopomp that puppeteers a headless body. Their work (outside of being a pagedoll) is centered around LARPing as a salesman guiding the recently deceased. Think of Manny Calavera from Grim Fandango or the Headless Horseman from European folklore. You can find them haunting the various pages of this site, including the index.

(This image is particularly old, sorry. I'll draw up a better one sometime.)